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Category: Life

my day

today was normal. up until they started making us empty our backpacks to check if we had phones..... bg info we're supposed to turn in our phones before school at the front desk but half of the school doesn't do that and the staff knows this they just don't do anything ig the policy is that if you get your phone taken up then you gotta pay sum money for it to get it back which is like... ok sure whatever it's just like 5 dollars y not? except it's literally not 5 dollars. my bff today was told that if he turned his phone in at that moment he'd get it back at the end of the day! yippee! guess what happened next? he did not get it back and was fined 25 dollars for the damn thing. 25. DOLLARS. TWENTY-FIVE. and it upset him really badly since his family had been running low on money already so it would have been a struggle to pay off. in the end, my mom stepped in and lended my bff 25 dollars out of the kindness of her heart (i love my mama) (*⌒―⌒*)

apparently after school a girl got suspended for having her phone on her and arguing that she didn't do anything.... and the people who had to ride the bus home and had their phones turned in weren't allowed to take their phones. that, imo, is BUUUUULLLSHHHHHIIIIEEEETTTT!!!

凸( ̄ヘ ̄)

tl;dr: bff turns in phone at school after being told he wouldn't have to pay, instead ends up having to pay 25 goddamn dollars to get it back. also the staff are shitty and didnt let anyone else get phones back.

25 dollars is such an unfair price for something that isn't even school property lol i hate this school i'm so glad imma switch next yr (^_^)

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valentine 's profile picture

ugh i remember this i was so mad

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