
i may just about pass my cursed electronics class. i just finished my second exam and i feel quite alright about it. i will ask after i get my exam grade what my overall grade looks like, as he keeps that to himself and doesn't post them, and if it is okay i may just not drop it (thank god).

it's like the blind leading the blind (i'll hold your hand if you'll hold mine). a classmate said the first half of that when our other classmate mentioned that some friends of hers in the other section asked her for help, and when we also found out that we apparently somehow have the better section. we are all so lost, and the professor knows this. he jokes about it, even. i can't blame him for that. what is one to do in a hopeless situation? cry and despair? mull and rage? those don't do anything. at least when you laugh at an unfortunate situation, you may have the positive mind to fix the situation.

apparently for the two classes i need to take this summer, the instructor is not the best... hopefully my prior understanding of the material aids me. if a similar situation happens, that'll simply be sad.

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