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Practice speech for history homework - feminism

update: i actually got an A for this homework


okay so here's the take

because i've found out how my brain works (because of procastionating) i've watched some video ab how u can deal w it and because my homework from history is tomorrow (actually today to be precise bcs it's almost 2 am in my country)

so i've came to conclusion to try out the solution for procastionation, and that's to be creative (do it in your way, i think)

for my homework from history, i have a task to speak about feminism, about it's history, where, when and how it began and what it actually meant

so imma practice that speech here because... idk i kinda saw this as potentional content post for my blog lol

What is feminism?

feminism actually represents the equal rights between 2 sexes (women & men)

and it is a series about social-politics movements that occured many times through history

actually feminism can be viewed as an ideology, but it's more accurate to say that we see it as a series of events that occured because women needed to be equal (in many aspects of life) as men

feminism had and has even today many myths about the intention of it

like i said, it's a series of movement to make equal rights between women and men

it's not about women that wants to be superior and higher than men, most people made this myth because:

- some men getting offended by the idea of feminism and the idea of women having equal rights, as they might have seen that as women getting superior than men

- some women actually trying to be superior and not getting the real point of feminism

what i am trying to say is: do not mix myths and facts about feminism, because it is really important to know what's the real deal about it

History of feminism in waves of events/movements

sufra-etkinje Womens-Strike-Day-march-employment-opportunities-Washington-August-26-1970
so feminism actually began in 19. century in Great Britain as a first wave of feminism (as a wave it is meant for events that occured at that time)

feminism has 3 waves that were seperated from eachother by 1 or 2 decades in time:
1st wave - was beginning and actually when feminism was born by suffragettes that made a movement about fighting for a right that women can participate in politics too (specifically saying, they wanted women to vote too)

2nd wave - was in 20. century of 70's and 80's when feminists cleared some things about what rights exactly they were fighting for (focus of feminism), they organized themselves in a way of protesting for women rights in every aspect of life (not just politics), but they were doing that in seperate times between 70's and 80's when they wanted to fight for specific right for women. They increased their groups, not just in Great Britain, but in other few countries too. They also started educating girls and also educating them about feminism. The matter of physical abuse was mentioned too, on many protests, in many magazines and in education.

3rd wave - started in 90's and is present even today. In this wave, the feminists redefined the word gender, because of other people who identified themselves in specific gender and they seperated the word gender from the word sex, because of the identification. There's also queer, postmodernism, ecofeminism and transfeminism, which are to be described as sub-movements (or ideas) under feminism.

Feminism in my country and something about Jelisaveta Načić

the sings of feminism in my country begins in 70's of 20. century

in that time they weren't much wanted to be given voice to because of the pressure that occured in a political situation, so there were a few women that were fighting for themselves, because they wanted to be educated like every man was and because they wanted to help for their country in that way, but still in the end these women weren't treated in the right way by the men of my country and that's why today our country's women are starting to fight for their rights just like women in east countries did from 70's to 80's in 20. century

that's just how it is and how it was in my country, and now i'm going to speak about one woman's life that lived in my country during 1900's, her name is Jelisaveta Načić.

Jelisaveta was born in rich family, that's why she had ability to study in the first university of architecture. When she was close to finishing her studies, she faced discrimination towards her sex. She somehow succeeded in getting to the ministry of buildings that existed in 1900's in my country. In beginning she wasn't getting to the any of higher positions of the ministry because of her sex. But it was considered the highest status to have as a woman in that time period. She had successfull career, because she made projects for many buildings that were of pure importance, today even. She projected first building where workers were supposted to live, the hospital for curing the tuberculosis and a school.

Before the end of her life, she lived in poor financial condition, raising her daughter and not having her pension as many old people had the right to have it.

in my opinion, she was a successful woman that didn't had a fair life, and that's how usually successful women in that time of period in my country lived, and you could imagine how only other women that didn't had the luck to embrace their success lived

i'm apologizing for grammar and spelling mistakes in this post and also for how i express what i want to say, i hope you read this text with understanding that english isn't my first language

and if i've spread some misinformation, please lmk in the comments because i didn't made a full and good research about the history of feminism

Thank you for reading this post :)<3


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hyaku's profile picture

glad you got an A. you deserved it. great essay!

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thank you soo much!! :DD

by cilica; ; Report

your welcome dear stranger :)

by hyaku; ; Report