Spirituality is a lifestyle and a daily practice. In the past I would take responsibility for any negative energies that arose within me during a trigger, and I would heal them. It was very difficult and painful, yet equally as rewarding. I would take on one big trigger a day, and then the rest of that day would run smoothly and effortlessly. Things that would normally irritate me after that, didn't anymore. I would move through that day in a non-reactive state and oppourtunities would fall into my lap with what felt like zero phsyical effort. I would recieve in my mind ideas of inspired actions and I would act upon them. I ALWAYS recieved a desired outcome from those actions, WITH OUT fail! I was a manifesting queen. All I did was actively heal myself on a daily basis.
(I will explain in more detail what it looks like to observe and heal through triggers in another blog, for now, I'll continue my experience.)
I lived in complete bliss for 2 years straight. This experience could only be described as (living with my head in the clouds)
When I said that oppourtunities fell into my lap with what felt like zero physical effort, I don't mean that this way of living was easy and effortless. The majority of my effort was put into "being conscious". You may not believe this, but making a concious effort to be aware in every given "Now" moment is freaking hard as hell! The average persen doesn't do this. We've got ourselves distracted by our physical realities, we're buried within the thoughts of our minds and don't even realize it. We call this "living." Being enveloped by controlling our physical realities through our physical daily actions. The best way to describe the experience of the 3D lifestyle is "The Grind." It's all about do, do, do. Go, go, go. And then the weekend comes around and we can "relax." What do we do when we relax? Distract ourselves from our physical realities. We're behind our screens, our story books, catching up with the housework, drinking/smoking our worries away. We're trying to rest from all this "doing."
The only "actions" that I took during this Bliss were inspired actions. I felt undeniably inspired to do something. Most the time, I had no idea why I wanted to do said action or what would even come from it. Other times, it was completely against my character. Although I felt extremely inspired to do a thing, I also felt anxious and scared because it would involve facing a fear that I had. After awhile of acting on my inspired actions, I knew that facing any fears would be more than worth the rewards. I learned that, even though an inspired action didn't immediatly appear to have a desired outcome, no matter what it was, It aways granted a desired outcome and I never regretted it. I was clear minded, I knew what I wanted, and I knew exactly how to accomplish them. (daily trigger healing and acting upon inspired actions)
I achieved all my intended desires within that last year.
The first year I learned how to love myself to the point that I needed nothing and noone, but myself. I met my own emotinal needs and I was happy. I was a single mom living in a rental trailer and I learned to love that as well. However, I decided that I wanted to buy a house, I wanted a husband, and I wanted to have a son.
Being a single mom of 2 daughters already, I wanted to complete our family with a father figure and I wanted to share all the extra love I had overflowing from within me, with a man who fully deserved to have me. I had convinced myself that I was not settling for anyone less than what I deserved. I had even made a love list based on previous failed relationships. Qualities that this man would have and how he would fit into our family. I didn't stop there, you see, I knew that in order to attract this man I've created through my love list, I had to become the person on my love list as well. So I did. One example of the things I had listed was "He loves and accepts me 100% the way I am" That meant, I too had to love and accept myself 100% for who I am.
I wanted to own my own home, I wanted my kids to have thier own rooms, and I wanted to be a mother to a son.
I accomplished all of those things through daily trigger healing and acting on my inspired actions all within the year 2018. It happend so fast, I barely know what hit me. I bought my first house in March, got married in July, and gave birth to my son in September.
In only one year I had got exaclty what I wanted and I was completely happy and satisfied!
Or so I thought...
To Be Continued...
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