I woke up without a body. Whatever still existed of me fell from the bed. I was afraid I would hurt myself when I hit the ground -everything was moving in slow motion- but I didn't possess any mass to crash into the floor. I was merely changing location.
When I reached the ground, I woke up in bed again. I realized it was a dream and felt relieved. Then the same thing happened again, but once I was out of bed, I moved from one side of my bedroom to the other. I was just as afraid of hurting myself when moving horizontally as when I moved vertically. Both felt like falling, although neither really was.
I woke up many times and did the same thing again, but with some difference. Thus dream 1 and 2 were very similar, and so were dream 3 and dream 4, but dream 1 and dream 4 were very different, and so on. I don't remember with much detail any more dreams until the final three.
I left my room to find some food. I dragged myself above some half-eaten remains of what seemed like fish. A hand appeared from the void, and I picked up the food and started eating. I was surprised by my actions cause it's not something I would ever eat in real life. My view of the world was now at the level a person standing upright would be. Although it was nighttime and no lights were on, I realized the living room was full of Christmas decorations. I picked up something that made me feel nostalgic. It was a Christmas card my sister wrote when she was a child. When I put it back, I bent it by mistake. Then I heard the key in the front door. I thought it would be too late to run back to my room, so I stayed in hiding until there was an opportunity to do so without being seen.
As I was trying to sneak back, my parents spotted me in the hallway. I didn't have a complete body yet, but I had many more parts than before. I covered my face with my hands and ran passed them to get to my room. After closing the door behind me, still holding my face, I screamed to relieve frustration and deter my parents from entering. My mom opened a window in the door, and I could sense her watching me from above as I held it shut with my forehead and told myself this is not a dream, this is not a dream.
The next time round, I hid in the balcony instead of trying to get back. When my sister turned on the light, I jumped behind a table. I heard her gasp and tell my mother: "they've let him out!". I now had a full body. I thought about jumping out of the window, but I didn't need to jump because my body, although entirely physical, wasn't solid. Sitting on the floor with my head between my legs, I moved through the wall, and once I was all the way across, I fell.
I woke up in a bright crowded indoor skatepark. I was skating towards a gigantic ramp. The voice of an announcer was saying you can do anything. I immediately fell down the side. A cute girl came to see if I was okay. I no longer felt any fear of being seen. She sat on the floor with me and asked me what are you going to do? I got up, and we skated up the ramp together. Her friend had hurt herself. She stretched her leg out to me. I touched the part that hurt. I realized I felt excited. A voice that seemed to come from outside the dream said: "Haven is still dead" and that I should stop. I now understood how the dream worked and knew I could experience many different things if I didn't do anything to mess up the cycle and wake up. I didn't take my hand off her leg, and after a few seconds, I came. That was the end.
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