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Category: Dreams and the Supernatural

Last Night's Dream

My dream last night was pretty odd by normal standards but fairly tame by my own dream standards. I usually have strange dreams but this particular one left me confused when I woke up. It started in a car with myself and three other friends. One of these friends is one that I've been getting progressively close to over the last few months. We were engaging in a little bit of the devil's lettuce. At some point, something happened that led to the friend that I'm close to, (I'll call him N) and I ended up laying my head on him.

In some turn of events, as my dreams often do, it clipped from the car to the living room of my current apartment. My current apartment has yet to become a common dream location, so that was interesting. N and I were sharing a sandwich in the living room (for whatever reason. Maybe I was hungry and it was projecting into my dream). He moved from the living room into my room, sitting on my bed, which was a normal twin in the dream despite it being a bunk bed in reality.

He sat on the bed, beckoning me into the room to which I crawled over (for whatever reason) and he greeted me with a joking "Wanna go on a walk?" holding up a leash. I actually considered it but I didn't tell him that. I just climbed up on the bed next to him and laid on his chest while he laid down on the bed. We cuddled until my eyes closed and when they opened, they opened to my alarm going off.

I was confused. The dream was fine, but the fact that I was dreaming of him was confusing. I have trouble differentiating romantic and platonic feelings but I'm actively in a relationship that my partner wants to keep monogamous so dreams like that are a bit of a threat. I accept the dream but I have yet to tell N about his presence in it. Will update on other dreams, related or not

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BiteBlue's profile picture

This N guy sounds very interesting

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