Quit my job :)

So I have worked at my local mcdonalds for four years now. Last week I sent in my 2 weeks notice and have a grand total of four shifts left to attend! 

I don't have a new job or anything so that's a little worrying but fuck it. Finally leaving this job that I felt stuck in!! 

Really hoping I can get a job close to home aswell as I can't drive <3

4 Kudos


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TWISTED's profile picture

good on you!!!! mcdonalds mcsucks. (I am still working there, getting up the courage to leave). Goodluck finding your new job!!!

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JackalGirl/Moonlight's profile picture

Do wherever make you feel comfortable and happy my friend of course didn't do anything that's illegal

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Sixxle9's profile picture

yessssss on to bigger and better

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koregg's profile picture

that's awesome!! fuck mcdonald's (as a corp, food's pretty sick)

manifest that job, i believe in you!

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