message into the void

hey, dad. i miss you so much. i'm sure you're watching over me, but i still wanted to talk to you and tell you about what's going on in my life right now. 

i'm starting a new internship next monday. it's unpaid, which i know you wouldn't be too happy about, but it'll be a good way to get experience. i don't know why i didn't tell you about it when i had my interview before you passed. i guess i was worried i wouldn't get it, and i didn't want to disappoint you. speaking of internships, i applied for the penguin random house program again, and i got an interview! i have a really good feeling about it this time. i know you'd be proud of me for getting an interview, but i hope i can make you more proud by actually getting the internship. 

work has been okay. i'm getting pretty good hours, aside from next week...but i bet they'll call me in. i'll probably go bc my paychecks have been very nice lol. i had a really annoying customer the other day. you've probably heard me tell this story to everyone who would listen, so i won't go into too much detail. i'm still not over how she didn't think to read a single box while she waited forty minutes for someone to help her! some people are so self-centered (and stupid). 

i'm getting a car on thursday =) i'm super excited. grandpa is worried about me driving it home because the roads might be a little unsafe from the weather, but i think i'll be fine. i'm careful, and if i feel unsafe, i know mom would take over for me. i already know what the first cd i'll play in my car is: the beach boys "greatest hits" that mom and haley got me for my last birthday! i don't remember if you liked the beach boys...i'll have to ask mom. 

i can't believe my birthday is less than a month away. i wish you could be here for it. i know you'll be around but i wish you could be here. mom is thinking about getting me crocs because i keep wearing hers, but all i want is to have you back. i love you so much. i hope you're doing okay wherever you are. 

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