Getting really inspired to write something very specific, but not knowing where to start and ultimately giving up.
Getting stuck on a scene in the middle of writing it.
Character playlists and story 'soundtracks' get old really fast.
Doing literally anything else except writing. Once I watched a whole show I didn't even like to procrastinate.
Hating my writing voice, even though it's not that bad. It's just... very obviously something I wrote and it frustrates me.
Spending hours on thesaurus dot com to look for the right word to describe the way someone walks.
"That doesn't sound like something this character would say."
Only feeling like writing while I'm working or driving.
Having no desire to be in a relationship, but also wishing I had experience so I would know that the little romance I write is accurate.
Not knowing the appropriate time to describe someone's appearance.
Cracking up at my own writing, knowing full well that my jokes aren't funny.
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You've gotta elaborate on those jokes now!
But yeah...
Sitting down to write something specific and ending up somewhere you don't like so you scrap everything
Or getting distracted by, you name it, the birds outside, and losing all the focus and drive you had... Why's it so hard to put the words in my mind into the page!
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