This is by no means in ill spirit, but just a friendly PSA. I have seen long lists of DNIs on here. As much as I respect that,
please consider adding some kind of photosensitivity warnings to your
profiles as well. Using bright, flashy, animated imagery on your
pages is amazing and I absolutely love it, but seizures are genuinely
frightening and real. Spaces like this are populated by a spectrum of
all kinds of people, so it never hurts to be extra careful to not harm
others with our artistry and self-expression.
Do note that you can use the code in whatever way you like. (splash art, dni, etc.) Keep in mind that trigger warnings and DNIs do not belong on the same section. Both should be distinguishable, concise and as clear as possible - with warnings on imagery being the priority. Please express and protect yourself and others on plattforms like this.
(the image in the code is a photo of a swan I took that is roaming the river under one of my favourite places in my town. this beautiful man attacked a cop car during a antifascism protest and we love that - his name is Johann)
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