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I PROMISE I AM ALIVE, FRIENDS! Lets just say I got a bit off track and got distracted.... from socializing online AHAHAH

Im so sorry its just!! i dont know what happened but for the past week i uhm, kinda got into building my own website so, i was doing that for a while HAHAH

its been soooo much fun though!! its REALLY helped me understand HTML and CSS sooo much more!! I may even get to actually making custom layouts for spacehey too because of it!! I WOULD say like i feel like a genius, but really i feel like a dumb dumb who just figured out how to read the coding language everyone else has already mastered ToT REGARDLESS!! Uh lemme tell you about what ive done in the *checks calendar* HOLEH CRAP 11 DAYS THAT I HAVENT BEEN ACTIVE!!!!

Well not much! okay well maybe some much, Ive been hanging out a ton with my friends irl recently!! that makes me feel happy, because i love going out with my friends and also because it does me good to like. actually step away from the computer for a sec HAHA

I saw my first friend on the 12th, then my group of friends last saturday, and yesterday i went out with my other friend too!!

on the 12th me and my friend went out to the mall just to hang out, we got a coffee together and jst chatted up a storm for a while! hes a videogame nerd like I am, so it gets pretty fun talking nintendo and sega and all that stuff with someone who shares that same interest :D (he gets at me for wanting to get into kingdom hearts tho..... >.> ITS NOT MY FAULT I LIKE CHEESY WRITING AND CHARACTERS OK ;___;)
anyways, then last saturday, i hung out with my whole friend group! we all went to my friends house to play videogames together and it was SOO MUCH FUN! at first the boys played some mario kart, then we played super smash brothers ultimate!!!! I only won one round playing as Daisy :pp then we played jackbox too!!! We even stepped out to head to the seven eleven, which btw outside was SO COLD!!! we were at like 1°C and i was only wearing a jean skirt and tights!!! i had a big coat on but because my legs were practically UNSHIELDED, yea, i was shaking ToT but i got an apple juice and a lil bag of chips so its fine really :p I left at around midnight, and one of my friends gave me a ride home too! it was a littleeee bit awkward, just cus i was nervous to be around her dad and family, and i didnt wanna be bothersome so i didnt cut into their conversations too much ToT still, a fun night!

Then, yesterday I went out with one of my other friends!! we were originally gonna head to a cute cafe, but it turned out they were closed T_T then guess what!! when we went to go to our backup cafe it was ALSO closed!!! wat the!!!
but it was fine! she knows that part of town way better than i do, so she just walked me over to a boba place, and i got to try boba for the very first time!!! :D It was Taro flavoured and sooo good! I had cravings for that flavour... and the tapioca was so good too!! I like gummy textures so i was enjoying it :P me and that friend always have so much fun chatting, aside from the fact that shes SO MUCH fun and so funny, she and i are in the same online spaces, so we get to talk about how cosmically funny and ridiculous fandom can be sometimes XDD

Anyways, this Saturday im gonna go out again!! The first videogame friend  I mentioned is hosting a get-together at his house, so ill get to hang with people I havent quite gotten to know that well yet! i dont think ill drink though, i only like drinkinig with my first group of friends >.> so ill just get an orange juice at the store beforehand HAHA

other than that i should really get back to drawing! i think ive been balancing out my focus on my various different projects well enough, so that makes me very happy :D Im not quite pressuring myself, but im also not being too lax, thats the freedoms of freelance when you have no projects babey! (and... also when your only job is taking care of your sister and cooking and cleaning the house.... eh whatever x) being an eldest daughter ROX!)

i just feel like im in a gppd, motivated yet somehow relaxed mood!! all my different ambitions are really going how i want them to go, and really, thats mostly because i find it very fulfilling pursuing what makes me passionate :D im very very lucky to be supported by my small but loving family, and to also have friends who motivate me to go for my wacky little ambitions! I feel like im just very blessed, and i should take advantage of that to do what truly makes my heart happy! make no mistake, of course i want a career in graphic design cus i wanna learn it and learn it well, but really im glad i have a chance to do freelance right now and be happy with it :P

WELL THEN UNTILL NEXT TIME! HOLEH COW, I WROTE WAY MORE THAN I MEANT TO >.> I promise i thought i was only gonna write 1 paragraph... I'm tellin ya im a chatterbox!! Well if you read all my inane ramblings i 'ppreciate it, especially since well. None of what i say has substance HAHA, UNTIL NEXT TIME YALL !! BAIIIIIIIIIII

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