A few years ago, I had this game on the Xbox 360, I thought it was cool at first but I didn't manage to finish this game on the console, just didn't have the time to do that even though I liked it, well, until today, I managed to beat the game after 9-8 years of not touching this childhood gem lol, again, i'll do the category stuff, and maybe a small word for those 9-8 years
Gameplay: Challenging but not too challenging, of course, it may show it's age (a little bit), it's still functional, personal favorite was the climbing, something about just climbing up the Cyclops just to dice it into sushi is just...wow, not to mention that when you start the game, you are LITERALLY sent to the tutorial first, that being that and a prologue mission to the game really sets the mood (somewhat), let's not forget: Pawns, their mechanics are impressive (i.e: if you and your party of pawns created by other people charge into a boss room, the pawn's personailty will change to fit your style of adventuring) oh and character creation too, i think you'll know what to do when you see that, speaking of which, The Story.
Story: To be honest, it can be a little slow at first, As I did mention, the prologue mission sends you straight into gameplay, no cutscenes until the end of the prologue. then you get sent to the character creation stuff, blah blah blah. then after all that's done, the actual story slides back a bit, as usual, I can't really explain much about the story, but this one I really can't explain much but all I can say is this: Near the end of the story, things might get a bit crazy
Music: Banger, and this game gave me two personal favorites: Eternal Return and Into Free, it's a little bit of a mish mash of music genres between Hard Rock and Orchestral music (I'm pretty sure you could even hear someone shredding a guitar in the background while fighting a boss)
Note: if necessary, feel free to look at the DD Wiki, it can be helpful at times (just don't accidentally spoil yourself the story)
Overall, was it worth finishing the game after 9-8 years? Yeah, it just feels accomplishing, makes me miss my Xbox though lol, so in my humble opinion: 9.9/10, Thanks for the childhood memories, Capcom.
(P.S: Hopefully Dragon's Dogma 2 is this good aswell)
(P.S.S: Replaying the game multiple times is also encouraged, you'll see when you finish the game first time)
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