TW: Slight Gore (lol first post, This was based on a dream)
Have you ever cried a river for a nightmare?..Once in my dream I met a boy who was all alone sitting by himself at the lunch table in the fair back eating a pudding cup I went over to talk to him he had blonde hair. He asked me why I was still here. I told him "huh-" he said "Look around you." I did and saw a dark deep eye person they were 6ft maybe taller and twisted (like they were actually twisted their body was crumble up and bones and flesh was pouring out of them) I wanted to run or tell the boy to run or just scream but I couldn't, It walked on their back legs making bone popping sounds, slowly their face was dripping and stretching as they spoke "Are you feeling nervous?" As it smile widened bits of their tongue and flesh inside their mouth poured out as it talked . The boy Walked in front of me and said "Why are you still here." with a cold glare, I wanted to scream and talk but the monster walking towards us was fear catching. He asked "Whats up why are yo-"..He was cut off by the thing his Rib cage was taken out of him by the hands of it, then it used his own rib cage to claw his body open. His lungs and other organs where rib open and pulled out making a sticky sloppy sound as it stab their rib cage in his body like a fork, then proceed to grab their jaw and crack it open backwards ripping him down to his throat the flesh was throbbing out, blood was spread. I wanted to run, I was crying, sobbing. The tears were real my throat was banging and itchy, The monster grabbed what was left of the boy and ripped his half face off and pulled his own off..Rrrr.. Sloppy gushing sound was made the flesh and veins under his skin glued on its face like a sloppy kindgarder project. I was noticing how its skin and body did not match up as much some skin was lighter or slightly darker in some spots and some of its fingers were longer than others its was almost unnoticeable. I look back up at it then C r a c k. . . . ...The thing is I could feel my head banging and hurting It was all black but I knew what happened my head was crushed the warmth of my flesh was real..really real. I want to say I woken up from panic but I didn't Cause I saw the boy again. I didn't saw his face just a bright light of an outline(I think it was yellow maybe blue) of him but he walked to me the room was all black he was like a mirror I saw my little self, Small Brown curly hair that reach my hips, a pink T shirt maybe blue and shorts (or a shirt idk). I cried seeing myself so little and I thought back how I didn't warn the boy about the 'thing'. Those thoughts stab like a rusty piece of broken metal, I said I was sorry to the boy but when I looked up to say so all I could see was his torn body of flesh and blood. He hugged me saying "it's ok". His nails and tears were sinking in my skin like a doctor's needle..The End (the rest of it was a blur XD)
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