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Category: Blogging

Daily…Nightly???? Updatez #1!

Eating some rich tea biscuits rn which is good!!!

Sorta sleepy gah dayum!!

But tbh really nothin happened today and I dunno If I should be like relieved or sad bc I didn’t do anything fun!!!!! Like the most interesting thing I saw today was Kyary Pamyu Pamyu’s marriage! Jus hopes she’ll still carry on w/ her world tour bc I bought tickets to Paris and London already 。゚(゚´Д`゚)゚。

Random thoughts of the Day!:

#1. Why are toilets flushing so loud??? I flush my toilet after pissing and it’s like SCREAMING it’s like it gets LOUDER in the middle of the night when I’m trying not to wake anyone up!!

#2. Why am I attracted to ppl who r dark n brooding (bonus points if gloomy!!!!!!!!/j) like my current crush is pantalone (genshin) despite not even playin it that much anyways I was just waking up one day and I was like “teehee silly rich Fatui man is the love of my life!!!!!!!!!!!!” I mean I’m still gunna crush on PantalonE but still!!! Gah dayum!

Anyways Stan KPP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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