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Category: Food and Restaurants

First Post...of many?

Hi, welcome to my first blog post! 

Lately, I've been learning how to cook and bake on my own. From the simplest things to the...not so simplest things. The idea of documenting my new baking + cooking journey here, popped into my head earlier and I was like "eh, why not?". So, here it goes. 

I'm a newbie when it comes to making anything in the kitchen. I'm surprised I even know how to make scrambled eggs, haha. So far, I've cooked: Garlic Parmesan Rigatoni Pasta, Breaded Pork Chops, Spicy Chicken Sandwiches, Steak Bites over Rice, Tater Tot Casserole, and Garlic Parmesan Chicken with Potatoes. Items I've baked: 3 loaves of French Bread, Tortillas, Chocolate Chip Cookies, Peanut Butter Cookies, Garlic Parmesan monkey bread, and Sweet Cinnamon monkey bread. All of these items were things I made for the first time. They all came out pretty well! The family enjoyed them, that's all that counts.

Most of these recipes are made in the crock pot, mainly because it's an easier option. It's getting the job done and that's all that matters, right? It's all ending up in our mouths anyways. I'm not too sure how I'm going to go about these posts. I might just type like this or I can try to attach pictures of my progress + final result. 

Until next time...I hope y'all can join me as I take this new journey in the kitchen. Who knows, maybe you'll see me on Chopped or I'll be the next Iron Chef, haha. I'm still very new to SpaceHey and especially writing blogs, so bear with me through all of this. Okay, thanks!

- Zelly

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Patrick's profile picture

Insta pots are really handy if you want to make chicken in a hurry.

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Yes, definitely! I've been learning that on my cooking journey!

by zelly; ; Report