I'm going to confess to my crush on Friday!!! (Kinda long post)

So, to start, his name is Ayden and I've technically known him since 7th grade, but I didn't meet him in person until 8th because of online school and just a whole long story I'm not gonna get into here, and I've only started actually liking him a few weeks ago

Anyways, I'm in highschool rn, and recently my classes changed bc the trimester ended (we have 3 trimesters instead of 4 semesters)

Last tri, i didn't think i liked him that much. Yeah, he was my friend and i did think he was kinda cute, but i would say i liked him, yk?

But now, i actually have a class with him, and me and him (and 2 other friends) sit together bc there isn't much of a seating chart, the teacher we have in 5th hour is pretty cool shout-out to miss black

Anyways, now that I'm actually interacting with him everyday, something feels, well, different. Before, sure, he was cool and I'd wanna talk to him, but that was because we were friends. But now i really, really wanna talk to him

If he didn't have a bunch of friends sitting with him at lunch that I'm not too familiar with you can bet your ass I'd be chatting up a storm with him lmao

...ok now that I'm thinking about it, it may just be that I'm just now noticing that i like him-

Like last year or maybe the year before that, me and my best friend were flying some kites because yk we wanted to do we did, and Ayden happened to be in the neighborhood (ik that sounds straight outta of Wattpad but i swear on my dog it happened) so me, him, my best friend (and her sister) were flying kites

Now if you know anything about kites, you know they like to get stuck in trees, and that's exactly what happened. So we had the problem of the kite we lovingly named Hatsune Miku stuck in a tree (we called it Miku bc it had long blue ribbons coming off the ends of it)

Ayden's not short, he's pretty tall, especially for the age we're at, so we devised a plan where one of us would get on his shoulders and untangle Miku from the tree. And, because i was determined to be the lightest of the group, that job fell onto me

So yes basically i sat on his shoulders and untangled Miku and i couldn't stop thinking about it for like a month

Also i thought i kinda liked him when we first met (over a discord call lmao) but he had a gf then so :/

But anyways, yesterday i decided I've had enough of this, so i went a wrote him a letter telling him how i feel

Id do it person but i think I'd die, like genuinely my heart was racing just writing it

But yeah I'm gonna give it to him on Friday so I'm not there when he reads it and can't like be like "haha nvm actually it's a joke lmao" and like- eat the paper or smth-

Ngl I'm pretty scared to do it but i did some tarot draws and they said to just go for it, so that's what I'm doing

Wish me luck igg

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WhitemomsofAmerica's profile picture

Aw! Young love, LOL!

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He dumped me like 2 days after i confessed

by Keracen; ; Report

I'm so sorry!

by WhitemomsofAmerica; ; Report


brook's profile picture

i NEED to know how this goes! wish you luck ^⁠_⁠^

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Thank youuuuuu

I'll post an update on Friday ^^

by Keracen; ; Report

looking forward to it!!

by brook; ; Report

Can't wait to hear how it goes, good luck 👍

by Birdy; ; Report

Thank you! The update will hopefully be out in a few hours after he reads the letter

by Keracen; ; Report

praying for you 🙏🙏

by brook; ; Report

THERES AN UPDATE THERES AN UPDATE THERES AN UPDATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

by Keracen; ; Report