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Category: Life

Why are moms judged so differently than dads?

Does it ever make you angry as a mom that the father of your children get praised for doing his basic father duties. Like changing a diaper, feeding the kids, taking them outside to play, or bathing them? But when us mom's do it, it's just expected of us. We aren't praised. If men do the dishes or sweep the house they're told what a great husband they are for doing simple task chores. Why is all of this just expected of women but for men it's endless praise and gratitude. My husband and I have two kids, a 2 year-old, and a 1 and a half month old. I'm a stay at home mom and a full time college student. My husband works full time and supports us. He still helps me clean and do chores on his days off and he gets up with our newborn most nights. I guess I got lucky in that department. He doesn't yell at me for not having a clean house when he's off or not having food on the dinner table. Whenever somebody starts praising him about simple things he always gives me a compliment right after or tries to say something positive that I did so I don't feel like I'm doing a bad job or I don't feel resentment for not being recognized. Parenting is HARD work. It's exhaustion, it's crying, it's endless nights, long days, and chaotic trips to the grocery store. It's also little human hugs, kissing boo boo's, getting to watch your favorite Disney movies, seeing your kids learn and develop new skills, hearing them laugh at their favorite tv show, watching them learn how to navigate making friends at the park and it's a whole lot of love. Moms are judged differently than dads but I would never change being a mom

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