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dude so when i think about me and the amount of people that dont rock w me vs the amount that do and the KIND of people that fuck w me i start to think maybe i am unironically toxic. or maybe people think im toxic but i was joking and they didnt see it.

but i cant be toxic right because i know me, and im literally one of the best people i know and ive met hundreds of people at this point. I didnt get to know all of those people but still u get what i mean. 

i dunno i find its healthy to self reflect every now and again and assess whats wrong or not so great about myself and try and change for the better. theres tons of things i need to work on im sure but rn lookin at my personality am i toxic or do i just call people out on their shit or like am i just honest when someone fucking annoys me. cus if so that might be blunt and rude and make me an asshole but i dont think thats toxic.

people at my office tell me im known for being an asshole but i find those people to kind of be assholes themselves so what does that say ? idk what it says.

i saw this quote somewhere that went like "if u meet an asshole today then u meet an asshole. if u meet 5 assholes today youre the one whos being an asshole"

so like if u keep meeting people and thinking they suck chances are youre the issue this whole time

and im thinking that more and more people fucking suck. so it could be me. or it could be that people have always sucked and im noticing it more because i care what people think less

idk man this whole essay is so cringey but i stand by it 

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