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Category: Games

Scope creep and the illusion of simplicity

Im bored at the apt and since i have 3 days of spring break left, I decided to start work on developing a game concept ive been kicking around for a while. Without getting bogged down in the details, it's a point and click RPG, heavily focused on story and some puzzles. I've barely scratched the surface of just trying to set up the project and this is already a pain.

Visual and audio assets aren't important this early on, but i did open aesprite and make some quick place holders. I dont ever really do pixel art, but i want the classic MS DOS look for this. That part went relatively well, except i havent figured out how to scale anything in unity properly. I've also gotten the movement down (mostly, theres still some quirks but that can be refined much later).

now, getting literally anything else to work? that's been a trainwreck. Just trying to make objects trigger dialogue when clicked has got me knee deep in stackoverflow forums and youtube tutorials. All of which, of course, are incredibly context specific, and therefore basically useless in terms of making an interaction system.

And the dialogue system is apparently going to be the worst part of this. The one i saw most recommended for unity was called "fungus" but it apparently is no longer being supported so thats out. I investigated "ink", since it has it's own script editor, but im not sure how complex i could actually get it working. I intend for player stats to effect dialogue choices, a la fallout or any other mainstream RPGs. Im afraid that thread is going to end in me having to make a system from scratch.

So, ive got a mountain of issues and thats not even considering UI and HUDs, puzzles, inventory...

Unity might've been too ambitious for this. i have a copy of RPG maker MV but the visuals arent very customizable, not to mention it's restricted to a top-down view.

Im gonna step back and regroup, do some research where im not actively scripting at the same time.

2 Kudos


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