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Category: Blogging

nom nom

beauty is subjective! giving people titles like ugly is weird because it's subjective, and comparing a person's attractiveness to another's is weird because it's like comparing apples and oranges; both are good in their own way--besides the fact they're both fruits.

  1. this could be said about the word pretty and beautiful, but tbh i think everyone is beautiful. people think someone is ugly because they are unique and don't fit their personal beauty standard.

  2. beauty should also be determined by a person's personality. being subjectively attractive but having the personality of an ass makes you 10x less attractive, and that should just be common knowledge! -_-

  3. tl;dr, beauty is subjective and everyone is beautiful in their own ways; you can't compare people's looks because it's like comparing two both uniquely amazing things:d

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sleepy's profile picture

this is so real. i see so many videos of ppl rating others and calling ppl 5's or 7's and they forget that theyre rating a whole human 3

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