The Continuity of Life (Poem)

disclaimer: I am not immortal

The mortals wish for immortality

How foolish

They will never know the pain

Of forming friendships and connections

Only for them to be ripped away

In just the blink of an eye

They will never know the anguish

Of seeing a land they cultivated from its beginning

That they saw grow under the care of its people

Be torn apart

Piece by beautiful piece

By those its founder entrusted it to

They will never hear the screams, unending

Never be forced to listen

As friends and foe alike are slain

The world burning

As yet another civilisation fails

They will never feel the frustration

Of seeing mortals make the same mistakes

That led to the fall of their precursors


And over

And over, again

Mortals should be thankful

Not to be cursed

With this eternal existence

Forced to live through times and ages

Forever repeating

Forever unchanging

To survive, forever tormented

By a ceaseless continuance

So, you say

The mortals wish for immortality?

Let them

But let it be known

That the fire that burnt a home

Stemmed from a wish for warmth

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