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Category: Life

society should revert back to early 2000s

like hear me out everythuing was in its prime right plus gay marriage was legalizedf in 2005 so thatd nbe a good year plus none of the bullshit abportion laws im so smart ium like a genius lol

and like the clothes and music i guess and noel gallagher wasnt gross and wrinkly plus thats around where good music stopped being made but we can live without in rainbows by radiohead we have ok computer and kid a what else do we need lol

theres a blackbird banging against my fucking windiow also paul mccartney and ringo starr would be not as close to death as they ar r right now cos lets face it theyre both ancient 

i guess a downside would be no xqc streams and no twitch but myspace and youtube would still be up

actually 2007 maybe because in rainbows came out that uyear which means twilight did too cos 15 step is in the twilight credits crazy fucking crossover btw

also we shoudl stay there together actually why cant we just take the good laws from now and put them into that society thatd be great i think

like everyone living in a late 90s - early 2000s society but wth all thr good laws so people can have human rightts and shit

oh my god thatd be so fucking cool imagine music and clothes from thzt era being made FOREVER id die happy i wouldnt have to pay insane fucking prices at vintage stores

and no tiktok yayayayyauyaqyuyayy

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Cain's profile picture

I think (with the United States at least) domestic partnerships weren’t legally recognized until the late 90s but gay marriage wasn’t legalized for everyone nation wide until 2015, brutal hate crimes still happen today but huge news like Matthew Shepard in the 90s was common and conversion camps and trans panic killing laws were still legal in more states, and then abortion has always been a hot topic due to debate because of religious views and different views on biology (you think science would be more cut and dry but some people see it as a life and then some see it as cells and undeveloped until several months in). No hate at all I enjoy all old stuff as well, but I’m just saying. don’t want to seem like I’m trying to argue or anything :,)

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did u read the bit towards the end

by liam; ; Report