Hello again?

Well hello again I guess?

Last (and only) time I blogged here was like half a year ago lol. I have since spoken to a therapist three (3) times and got a referral for an autism/adhd diagnostics thing. My therapist thinks I have both.

Did not get any more piercings since then and the bridge is ALMOST healed finally.

Built a PC. Went low contact with my mom. Went to way too many concerts.

I also seriously expanded my CD collection (from like 16 to 36 lol) but still that's more than double. I also signed up for a test driving lesson for a motorcycle lesson and booked a theory exam which is in like two and a half weeks so I should prolly study for that. Also for my school exams those are next week but considering the rest of my grades this year those will probably go fine even if I don't study.

I did also go to a protest again. I did need the rest I had activism burnout forreal but I think I'm almost back to normal.

Also I'm active on Tumblr again ish on a new sideblog so follow me on @nogodsnowar for political reblogs and original posts about my fav bands and how bad I am at not spending money on said bands, and also occasionally some crafts or something in my actual life. Like the jacket I finally painted the back of that now also coincidentally says "no gods no war" with a beautiful anarchy logo above it (it looks like shit it's permanent marker but who cares). I do try to make it more original content than reblogs but I can't promise that'll work out tbh.

Still got a year of waitlist left for the gender clinic T.T(istg if I didn't have an implanon I'd be diying already)

Anyway that was some basic life updates maybe I'll keep it up consistently probably not though.

0 Kudos


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