Haven has deactivated their Twitter account and changed their discord bio to "goodbye". I messaged them two days ago, and they haven't responded.
They are severely depressed. They spend most of the day lying in bed and have no life IRL. Talking to people online is one of their only distractions. We've been very close for the last two years. They've never taken more than 24 hours to respond. We've never had any problems with each other. Our last interaction was typical.
I've been trying to come up with harmless plausible explanations for what could have happened, but I can't think of any. I wish I could believe they might have ghosted me because they don't want to talk to me anymore or maybe to anyone, but it doesn't seem likely. At this point, my only hope is a failed suicide attempt.
I'll keep writing in their chat to try to comfort them and myself.
We only know each other online, so if they never come back, there's no chance I'll ever learn what happened.
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