today i finally released my latest song multiplier and this blog post is about how it came to be! here are the links to listen to it if you want to check it out
Spotify Youtube Apple Music SoundCloud
i was initially introduced to the beat by a good friend of mine named dahm who made it. he was looking for a feature on the song and it already had a hook that he recorded. when i heard the hook i thought about how i always try to maximize my output on every little thing that i do, getting the most out of what i can. i also thought about how far i came as an artist. literally starting out with 1 play in the beginning of my musical journey and now accumulating over millions of plays on multiple platforms(thats insane right?!). it was tough work and took a long time but i did it especially without being signed to a label which most people think you have to be in order to gain any success in the music industry. when i wrote and gave the verse to dahm he said it didn't really fit the idea that he had for the song and said that i could have it and make it my own if i wanted. i responded "sure why not!" and held onto multiplier for a couple of months until i had the bright idea of asking this awesome rapper miles powers to make a verse for the song. when i asked him if he could jump on the song he replied "yeah im down" then quickly wrote and recorded his part, sending it to me in maybe less than two hours. it took us a while to mix the song overall to get it to sound its best but in the end i'm satisfied with how it came out. i feel like multiplier is a great song to listen to in places like the gym or anytime you want to feel motivated. i'm hoping it gets a lot of attention and love for i know these days songs can be overlooked and forgotten but i’m not too worried because great songs like multiplier gains it exponentially.
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Jane Doe
New fan here lol I'm feeling your sound. This behind the scenes post is pretty cool. I checked your discography on Spotify and I have a few Favs. So I'll add some plays to them. I heard of another artist doing it without a label. It's a struggle but keep going. I wish you much more success!!!
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thanks for becoming a fan! don't worry jane i'll keep going and especially even more now because of your comment
by Tevin Williams; ; Report
Awesome! Would you mind If I added your song to my page?
by Jane Doe; ; Report
No I wouldn’t! go right ahead and use any song you like
by Tevin Williams; ; Report
Thank you I appreciate it! I put Mr. Stop & Go. That's my new jam lol
by Jane Doe; ; Report