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Category: Music

Queer-Coded Music: THE BOYZ' "ROAR" Analysis

I've been obsessed with THE BOYZ's new song ROAR and as I was listening to it, the lyrics seemed a little queer coded, so I read into it a little more and decided to do a little analysis :) 

!Disclaimer!: This is all for fun and some of my examples might be a little bit of a stretch 

Don't call me like that

This very first line of the song is a response to those who use slurs and names to ridicule queer people and points out the humiliation that queer people face on a regular basis. 

Ah-ah, who decides what's evil?

A theme throughout the song is a focus on the perception of queer people in the religious community. These lyrics allude to the constant rhetoric that certain religious people push that gayness is evil. This trope is a constant throughout the lyrics. 

Unable to stop desiring

This line is a little retort to the religious context that being gay is a choice. It’s also a little dig at the fact that gayness is seen as a sin of lust and not equal to romantic love like straight relationships are. Queerness cannot be stopped, it is who a person is. 

Forever unforgiven

We are brought back to the theme of sin and evil with these lyrics and highlighting the fact that many people believe that there is no way to be “forgiven” as long as you are “giving in” to queerness 

Dream of forbidden things

Queer people brought up in oppressive religious regimes often fantasise about what they are taught to be things that are sinful or forbidden. However, in many countries where being gay is prohibited still, being open, gay and proud is still a dream and pursuing it is forbidden.  

My bound hands and feet yearned for freedom

Queer people long for the freedom of straight people. The freedom to love whoever they want, hold whoever they want and express their feelings however they want. 

My unbridled instincts earned the wrath of the gods. It can't be quelled, my desire, it's so raw

Hatred is constantly thrown towards gay people from every angle for simply interacting with others in a way that feels normal and natural to them. God hates them for who they are and for following the instincts that they cannot control or stop. However, it is an emotion that is most personal and raw, love. 

Why dares to say no?

Another retort to bigots. Who are they to tell them that they can not love who they want and why is it any of their business? No one can tell anyone how to feel and it is not anyone's responsibility that their life lines up with anyone else morals or beliefs. 

Fallen angel, Is my name. I turned my back on paradise

The definition of a fallen angel is “an angel who rebelled against god and was cast out of heaven”. Gay people have gone against the heternormative standards that society and many traditional institutions are built upon. Many gay people have to turn their backs on family and religion to claim their freedom. Many of these queer people are black sheep in these communities and are cast out. 

Only now, am I free?

Leaving these oppressive communities and homes is often the only way to feel fully free. 

I might do another part to this and I might not but here’s my brain rot :)

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