How to add music to layout

There are many ways to add your music to your layout

1. spotify playlist 

2. soundcloud playlist (or many other playists you have)

3. youtube background music 

1. and 2. okay for spotify AND SOUNDCLOUD youll need a embed link.

go to your favorite spotify or other playlists, share the link as embed and paste it in general or anywhere else you like! 

for example \/

<iframe style="border-radius:12px" src=" ( LINK ) utm_source=generator" width="100%" height="352" frameBorder="0" allowfullscreen="" allow="autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; fullscreen; picture-in-picture" loading="lazy"></iframe>

paste the link right in between the " and utm.

and there u go! it might take some time for the playlist to load. 

this also works for youtube links if you want a youtube video to be played on your layout \/.

3. for youtube search for any youtube music or video you'd like!

you could 1 paste the video on your layout or 2 play it as background music.

for 1 just do the same thing share the link as embed copy and paste it.

and now for background music use this code \/

<iframe width="1" height="1" src=" ( LINK ) &;amp;;autoplay=1&;loop=1" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen="">


in between the " and & 

i hope this helped! and again it might take some time for the music to load. =P

4 Kudos


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