side profile sketch

I know the lighting is bad but whetever 

I'm open to criticism

I think maybe the eye is too much infront maybe moving it back would help 

I also think I drew the skull too small 

her forehead seems to be big idk maybe??

if u know what I can fix please share if u want

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Petunia's profile picture

This is so adorable!! I love your style, it's very cute :D I think it is fine as-is but since you're asking I think what is bothering you about the eye could be the perspective of it

I quickly made an image of the big shapes I sketch in the face. You can do more or less if that works for you. I struggle a lot with eyes and faces tbh >_< it helps me to think of the eyelids like stiff-ish fabric around a ball if that makes any sense ? I don't have a tablet so I just screenshotted a photo on my phone and drew with my finger so excuse the quality :p I like to copy/trace photos or art I like for anatomy practice it can help a lot

But I genuinely really like it! It reminds me of some picture books I had as a kid. Completely true to life anatomical perfection doesn't make art good or bad honestly... but I hope this helps!!

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Omg tysm!!

by Iluvomelet; ; Report


twiggy's profile picture

Love your work here! Keep up the good work!

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by Iluvomelet; ; Report