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Category: Blogging

friday yay day!!!

AHHH , IM OFFICIALLY DONE WITH THE PROJECT I WAS WORKING ON FOR THE LAST 5 MONTHS! the first batch of work i needed to do for my friends project is finally complete and i couldnt be happier!! I'm really proud of how all my work came out AHHH (つಥ⌣ಥ)つ 

hopefully this means i can get back to doing commissions so i can get a cash flow again!! I cant wait >.< but first i need to actually get back in the mood for drawing!! I havent drawn for myself all WEEK, so yea, i need to break those drawing muscles in again hehee

SOOO what else did i do today!!! UHMM, well, truthfully not much :P

Well, i got up early again! Ive been feeling fantastic, who knew that fixing your sleep schedule would actually help, huh? besides the point, i spent all day playing around with HTML and making myself that new layout of mine, and this haruhi themed blog layout youred reading now!! (yea yea, i know, i keep shoving haruhi in your face... just accept it okay.... i shant let the world forget her...)

 I think HTML and customizing layouts just relaxes me for some reason, since its basically a language you can read, and well basically i enjoy reading it!! Since i get to look through old web graphics, jpegs, gifs and stuff like that too i tjust makes me happy i guess :D LOL

I also wrapped up work on the first batch of drawings for my friends project! I did like, 18 or so full renders for his characters and his projects,and im so proud of all of them!! theres more i still haev yet to do , but its way less than this, so for now we're wrapped up x3 This means I can probably do more freelance again!! I had to close commissions, since this was such a big projectttt i knew i wouldnt be able to handle this AND commissions at the same time :< but now that im done i can draw for others again! Im hoping to get a new chair since ive had the same one for like, 3 years now x3 maybe i can spend my money irresponsibly afterwards HAHAH .... i mean ..... its been years since ive received a new anime figure... maybe it wouldnt hurt yakno ;w;

Hmmm what else... well, i ate a poptart this morning, then for lunch i ate a sandwich and finished off some strawberries we had in the fridge... oh! AND i cooked dinner tonight as well! :P (well... i cook for my sister and i everyday so.... actually not a big deal LOL) but hey I really like the dinner I made for us today! :D I cooked some beef with cayenne pepper and some lime (limon.... the green one i get confused which is which in english HAHA) :P and not to pat myself on the back but it came out SO GOOD! my sister liked it as well, so, im satisfied!

thats pretty much it; my sister had to do her homework on my computer and she barely got it done, so thats why im going to bed pretty late - gahhh! I i may go out with my friend on sunday, just depends on where we go , but since the weather isnt cold anymore i can probably wear a new purple top i bought! sooo yea! :P 

gosh i just wanna get back to drawing, i feel like ive really slacked off recently HAHAH anyways, GOODNIGHT EVERYONE!!

4 Kudos


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