i remember before the whole html5 thing happened all i used to do was play video games online. i used to love the dating sims where u had to level up "skills" like charisma and intelligence to win a girl over. my most favorite being picos dating sim, i played like almost all of them. i recently tried to go back to pog.com and see if i could find any playable ones. the entire site is basically a time capsule of the 2010s rip. there are some sites like kongregate that have transferred some of the games on their site to the new format and i'm sure there's some techy sort of way to fix it. or mayeb i'm completley wrong and all of my beloved games really are gone forever. i'm gonna do some digging either way and see if there's anything i can do!!!! Picos Dating Sim here i come!!!!
- nikki <3
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