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Category: Blogging


went to the laundromat this morning. while my clothes was in the washing machine i read "death sentence: escape from furnace" by alexander gordon smith. when i had to switch the load to a dryer i encountered. so many problems. 

the first dryer, the one i used last time i went, ate my quarters. i moved on to a different one, which didn't even turn. and then the third dryer had a broken heating element, which i didn't notice until i'd run out of time and quarters. 

so i had to haul wet clothes back to my apartment just before work, and wear some of that wet clothes on my walk to work while it was actively snowing. today's been a bust. 

i'm exhausted *-*

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max's profile picture

oh my god hask that sounds like absolute hell :( hoping youre able to be dry and warm and relax soon

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thank u... 🫂 i'm just hoping tomorrow will be better

by hask; ; Report