I need to sleep I need to sleep my fucking god I have been awake for so mf long.
Tonight when I go to sleep I hope I dream about a mermaid that is why my hair is green, If I do not dream about mermaids that's gonna fucking suck ass. Also what color should I dye my hair I think maybe purple, my hair feels so fucking dead right now. Tomorrow I will have full formed thoughts but tonight I will tell as story.
One day a mermaid walked in a bar, she had tails for arms and normal feet. She walked into a bar and asked for a glass of milk for they do not have milk under the sea and she wanted to try a good fucking cool glass of 1%. They only had whole so she drank that up and boy oh boy she was very full after that. She went back to the deep sea and told her friends about this "whole'eeee milk. The merpeople thought whole meant a higher power. That is what started the merpeople worshipping milk and its wholeness.
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