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Category: Life

Trying to look forward to the future.

As of now I can't do much of anything, I still need one more eye doctors appointment in order to get new glasses prescription. But I think it'd benefit me to write down a list to share with others of what exactly I want to do.

  •  I want to update the Two Broke Goths channel with an actual goodbye video. I worked on that channel for years with my friend but I've grown past it and want to do my own thing, make my own merch etc. Now that I make more money I can completely invest in myself and do more.
  • I want to get back into Dj streaming on twitch. I want to add more videos in the background so it's not boring but I hope to reach tiktok, youtube live, etc.
  • While I want my streams on youtube I also want to do video essays on being Native in the goth scene or maybe just some random essays and shoutouts to Native owned shops.
  • PAINTING! I want to gete back into painting so bad, it's one of my main loves and it's what I wanted to do for a job but money and what not.
  • Beadwork- I still make and want to make spider earrings and loom bracelets/chokers. I don't know if I'll ever do an etsy shop but I'd rather have my own online shop at this point.
  • Game streams? I'm really half and half on this. I enjoy streaming but I don't feel interesting or fun enough. Just never know.

  This is most of all I can think of doing. If you're interested in seeing my journey here's a universe link with everything that I am updating.

Mystic Arts Design

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Lord Byron Summertime

Lord Byron Summertime's profile picture

Hurray, hobbies! Do whatever sparks your joy.

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