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Ander Founts

Ander Founts's profile picture

No offense yo but you look like 2012 anthony padilla

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ill take that as a compliment he was hot

by WolfBoy_03; ; Report


Bunni's profile picture

you are mad uggo I would kill myself if I was you!!!! I hope your fringe pokes your eyes out, I can smell your egg stench from here, take a shower :D

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acc kys u toe- i bet ur boobs r small and havea a saggy vag that smells like fish

by WolfBoy_03; ; Report

My boobs are actually massive ur mother told me last night, the fishy smell might be from her too ya know! I hope you choke

by Bunni; ; Report

ill have u know trhat my mother is dead and only people whjo have small boobs and loose vaginas talk like that- enjoyt ur sad little life u ugly pedofi9le - i bet ur p[arents are brother and sister from thje looks of ur profile - i bet whatveer u are h=u have brain damage and should do a swan dive off that builing like mha u uggo poo

by WolfBoy_03; ; Report

I think you're the one with brain damage with the way you type or are you one of those autistics with the typing quirks?? FYI I killed your mother between my MASSIVE BOOBS!!! If you wanna talk abt small things lets talk about your dainty little penis. I'm also not a pedo as I exclusively fuck parents with disappointment children

by Bunni; ; Report

ill have u know that this rlly hurt my feelings and i feel sad now

by WolfBoy_03; ; Report

I hope you succumb to your worst intrusive thoughts baby boy :)

by Bunni; ; Report

yes master

by WolfBoy_03; ; Report

good boy ;) like mother like son

by Bunni; ; Report