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wh4t 1s j3j3m0n? :?

x0w! j4zzy h3r3. _ 1m g0nn4 t3ll u 4b0ut j3j3m0n. \m/ j3j3m0n 1s a w4y 0f wr1t1ng th4t us3s a m1x 0f l3tt3rs, numb3rs and symb0ls t0 r3pl4c3 s0m3 s0unds or w0rds. fOr 3x4mplE, “h” cAn bE rEplAcEd wIth “x”, “e” cAn bE rEplAcEd wIth “3”, And “o” cAn bE rEplAcEd wIth “0”. Emoticons are combinations of punctuation marks that form faces or expressions. For example, “:)” means happy and “:(” means sad.

j3j3m0n 1s n0t a nEw th1ng. 1t hAs b33n ArOund fOr A lOng tImE. sOmE pEOplE sAy thAt thE pOssIblE OrIgInAtOr Of thE jEjEmOn phEnOmEnOn Is A pErSOn thAt gOEs by thE AlIAs "Lil’ Zuplado"1. ThEy AlsO sAy thAt thE nAmE "jEjEmOn" cOmEs frOm thE usErS’ tEndEncIEs tO typE "jejeje," thE spAnIsh EquIvAlEnt Of "hehehe," And "-mon," A shOrthAnd fOr "monster" pOpulArIzEd by thE Pokemon franchise1.

bUt j3jEmOn Is mOrE thAn just A wAy Of wrItIng. It Is AlsO A culturAl phEnOmEnOn And A stylE Of lIfEstylEs. Jejemons have their own fashion, music and language preferences2. They are often seen wearing colorful clothes, caps and accessories2. They also like to listen to hip-hop, rap and reggae music2. They have their own slang words and expressions that only they can understand2.

sOmEpEOplEmAythInkthAtj EjEmOnsArEbAdOrstUpIdbUtthAtIsnttru E.j EjEmOnsArEcREAtIvEA ndExprEssIvEI nthEIrwAyOfcOmmun IcAtIng.thEyArEntAfRAIdtObEd IffErEntAndhAvEfUn.thEyAlsOhAvEthEIrfRIEndsAndfAmIlIEstOsUpp OrtthEm.s OwhYdOntwEG IvEthEmAchAncEtOkn OwthEmb Etter?mAyb EwEc Anl EArnSOmEth Ingfr Omth Em.tH AtIswh AtImtr yIngtd OInmybl Og.j Ej Ej Ej

ThAnks fOr r34d1ng my bl0g! pl34s3 l34v3 yOur c0mmEnts And sh4r3 yOur 0p1n10ns! ;)

2 Kudos


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thanks Jasp but could you post a translation for people that don't speak brain Aneurysm

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