about me survey i also stole

name: vivid

nickname: idkΒ 

zodiac sign: aquarius

height: 5,3Β 

what's your middle name?: Jayne

shoes you wore today: noneΒ 

goal you would like to achieve this year: grades good

best physical feature: eye lashes

who is your bestest friend?: mantis, mina, and occatoria

your most cherished memory: dont remember

mcdonalds or burger king?: mcdonaldsΒ 

single or group dates?: either

what is the last song you sang?: nurses office-melanie martenez

does playing the guitar make a person more attractive?: meh

have you ever drank?: NoΒ 

have you ever been drunk?: No

have you ever smoked?: yes

do you sing?: no

do you want to go to college?: yes

have you ever been in love?: yes

do you want to get married?: yes

do you believe in yourself?: meh

do you believe in others?: sometimes

do you like thunderstorms?: i love thunderstorms

do you play an instrument?: nope

what country would you like to visit?: greece

how many CDs do you own?: like 5

how many DVDs do you own?: 11 looking for more

how many tattoos do you have?: none yetΒ 

how many piercings do you have?: none yet

how many things in the past do you regret?: idk


shoes: idfk

drink: monster

car: no car

place: my room

song: My Mother Wants Me Dead-carolesdaughter

movie: coraline or stranger than fiction

moment: when my friends twerk

color: Purple

meal: ur mom

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