rambles about identity in the age of the internet

Why do we treat internet usage as separate from real life? It's socially acceptable to talk about T.V but not about Tiktok/YouTube even though people will spend HOURS a day using these platforms. 

a tangent: I feel like everybody tries to hide the parts of themselves that are less “marketable” to others. Like, when you start noting how often you lie or bend your truth/personality in social situations, you start wondering how “real” all social interactions actually are. Like, are we *ever* honest with anybody? It's gonna make you paranoid, broski. 


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because everything is a man-made social construct, therefore none of this even really matters nor exists..
most people don't realize this, and it's a big factor in why I limit social interactions with anyone who I observe to be stuck in the matrix.
"Keeping Up Appearances" is exhausting and I refuse to be a participant

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"stuck in the matrix" as in someone who's chronically online, right? or do you mean a conformist

by oxygenatedMoron; ; Report

ironically, I meant a conformist, and not an internet dweller xD

by lin; ; Report