Mikey/Ronnie's profile picture

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Category: Friends



Hello!! I'm Mikey and here is my silly ol DNI and BYF!

DNI;; Basic criteria (Racist, Homophobic, Transphobic,Ableist, ETC) Anti neopronouns, Anti xenogenders, Cis NT people, "cringe culture", If you make fun of peoples spinterests, if you baby autistic people, if you call transmen "soft boys" (ur weird.), if you use twink as an insult

BYF;; I have BPD and I'm autistic, both effect how i communicate with people, I'm nonhuman and talk about it freely, I also deal with psychosis and delusions as well as hallucinations and will sometimes just..stop responding, I can't tell if I'm making someone uncomfortable so let me know if i am, I USE TONETAGS! and need tonetags! 

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