I want talk about being dedicated to your dreams and seeing through your vision.
A lot of times I’m able to see the beginning and the end of what I’m chasing. Like vividly, the visual is in my head, I’m just trying to reach it. But the process is where many get lost in their journey. The process shouldn’t have a time limit because great content doesn’t have a time limit. I once heard when you’re creating don’t put a limit on how much you want to create, rather just create as much as you can with whatever you’re feeling and come back and refine what you made to see what’s the best fit. A lot of the things we see and glorify we don’t realize what it took to get there. These events, these performances, these albums, it all took a process of sitting down, finding the theme, creating what is needed to put it together, then the process of how to roll it out. What we see most times is just the end process and that’s what most tend to fantasize about. It’s amazing to enjoy the end goal, but that’s something that can’t always be constant, the work that’s put in to get what you want done is what will always remain. If I only glorify the end goal and not what it took to achieve that goal then I’ll always be chasing my tail looking for an illusion I created from a false sense of reality. The work that goes on behind the scenes is what I’m growing to love. The process of the ups and downs and figuring out how to put it all together to get what we desire, that’s where the fun is. That space is where we are built and shows us our true integrity. In these moments we witness the best of the best and our worst moments that may come along to derail you from what you’re creating, but when we push pass that is when we see the greatness in ourselves. With each new creation and process we go through we see ourselves grow to great heights and witness how we’ve changed along our process. The behind the scenes work is what allows us to be put on the spot and still shine as if we had all the time in the world to prepare.
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