Metalheads being called "Posers"

One thing that makes me annoyed or mainly just confused is people calling baby metalheads or just some metalheads in general "posers". I think it’s really silly to call someone something like that just because they don’t know every bit of history or trivia answers for metal bands. Or being called a poser for anything. I hate the "you have to know everything about this or you don’t really understand it” culture, it’s just really fucking obnoxious and makes you seem full of yourself. No one has to know everything about something they’re interested in and shouldn’t be subjected to the title of a “poser” because of it. Unless it’s something huge like Idfk a religion but even then it’s just unnecessary. It makes it really hard for people just getting into something and it’s just a stupid word for shit like that. Listen to what you want and call yourself what you want and don’t take shit from anyone! I like birds but do I know when the first bird was ever spotted? No, but does that make me a poser or a fake bird fan? Absolutely not. Feel free to comment but if I think it’s ignorant I will delete it.

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Aurora's profile picture

yeah no its just really stupid. ive seen people get called posers for liking other genres that isnt metal. also the whole "you got into metal from metallica poser!!!!" like so what if someone did??? sorry they didnt listen to some random obscure band and get all extreme about it like you did.

also the whole discourse of getting mad at nu metal fans is really stupid too just let people like what they wanna like you know??

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by Aurora; ; Report

I agree absolutely, its so ridiculous just the fucking word in general, why does it make u a poser for not knowing every single thing?! Even if youve been in the metal fandom for decades or a day, what you know or what you dont know shouldnt determine whether youre a poser or not. Also i deleted the reply under this just because i couldnt tell if that person was serious or joking. :) thanks for this comment and im totally with you 👍

by #1 Tears for Fears fan; ; Report

AGEED!!! and finally, someone said it about the nu metal thing!!!

by kenni; ; Report

☆⋆ VAMPYY !!

☆⋆ VAMPYY !!'s profile picture

%1000 agree! “Oh u like nu metal? Fucking poser! Ur only a true metalhead if you listen to true Norwegian black metal.” Like u sound stupid I always get excited when I meet another metalhead, even if we don’t like the same subgenres or bands! We should also just let people enjoy things

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Punk also has a big problem with gatekeeping, but I think it’s relatively more tame than metal gatekeepers

by ☆⋆ VAMPYY !!; ; Report

Yeah and its not even like the metal/rock community are the only ones doing it, listen to what you want and dont pay attention to people being obnoxious about a genre.. maybe consider… /not/ being annoying

by #1 Tears for Fears fan; ; Report

Also me too, even if we don’t like the same bands, we’re all in this community together yall. Act like it

by #1 Tears for Fears fan; ; Report


taro's profile picture

REAAL!! i'm relatively new to the metal community and i'll be honest i initially was afraid to join cause of all of the gatekeeping. people can enjoy a band without knowing about that one time when the frontman performed barefoot once in 1998, right?

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by #1 Tears for Fears fan; ; Report


knotslip's profile picture

who cares enjoy what you want bro 🤘

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Ana's profile picture

I feel like the poser thing is to scare away newcomers in all alt communities. The good thing about it is you can clearly see who not to waste your time with because they want to be alone + there is always somebody who will suggest and show you where to get your info in a friendly manner. Just be safe and don't trust strangers is my only advice for all baby alternatives.

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kenni's profile picture

wholeheartedly agree with this post. being a baby fan of a new genre should be a time of acclimating to your new taste in music and meeting other fans of the genre, not trying to stock up on trivia knowledge just to prove yourself to some random person you don't know. you should learn facts about a band/genre because you genuinely like learning about it! thank you for saying smth about this!

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by #1 Tears for Fears fan; ; Report