March 2nd 2023 4:45 PM
Lyric: Come take my pulse, the pace is on a runaway train
Mood: tired but happy
Late entry today because of everything this morning. The elevator was down from 7am-3pm. I had a class from 8am-1pm. So I had to get up really early to get out of the dorm before the elevator was down. :/
I decided, since I'm up, might as well go get bagels for breakfast! I forgot the bagel shop is up a massive freaking hill. Also it was raining so hard I thought I ought to turn into a fish. Rain makes my wheelchair's wheels so slippery ugh. Going up the hill I thought my heart was gonna explode but I made it and got my bagels! Then I had to go back down lol
I flew down so fast that I couldn't stop and when the four way intersection came up I just kinda accepted my fate lmao I went right into the street. Most high stakes game of Frogger I've ever played. But then some dude who wasn't looking where he was going crashed into my wheelchair and caused me to NOT get hit by a bus. Shout out to that guy...I guess?
So I got home safe but drenched from head to toe. The bagels were okay, they were wrapped in plastic. Bless you bagel man who saw the weather and decided to wrap my bagels in plastic <3
Will is so cute. He's started doing that thing where you like text each other when you get somewhere safe. I never understood why my parents always did that. My dad would leave to go somewhere and my mom'd say "text me when you get there alright" or something and I was always like?? Why?? But I get it now. But anyway he always wants me to text him when I go somewhere so he knows I got there alright. I forgot to text him when I got to the bagel shop and I took a hot second to get back and he got so worried lmao it was adorable I got back to the dorm and I had like ten texts saying ARE YOU OKAY I'M WORRIED?????
My brother's birthday is tomorrow. I didn't get him anything. It came up on me way too fast and I don't even know what he'd want. He hates me. I don't really know what I ever did but he just can't stand me. I know he hates all queer people but...I'm his brother dude. Whatever.
Anyway it is spring break! Technically not yet but I don't have classes on Fridays B-) I like my classes and homework and stuff but oh my god I really need this break rn lol I'm gonna miss my friends tho :(
Song: Undone - The Sweater Song by Weezer
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