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Category: Games


Hello everypony! Today will be the first day of my documentation of my "Ultimate Nuzlocke Journey," which is a series in which I will be challenging myself to perform a nuzlocke of a pokemon game from every game/remake of a game of Pokemon in order! If you don't know what a nuzlocke is, it is a basic set of rules for any Pokemon game, designed to make the game harder than usual!

The rules are as follows:

  • If a Pokemon faints in battle, it is considered dead and must be put into a "graveyard box" or released from your party.
  • You can only obtain Pokemon by catching them, with no trades or offers (other than starters).
  • To obtain Pokemon, you must have to catch the first pokemon you encounter on a route. If you fail to catch a Pokemon on the first try, you cannot catch one until you reach the next route.
  • You must nickname all the Pokemon you catch (so if they die you feel worse).
  • Legendary Pokemon may not be in your Pokemon party.
  • EV-boosters like vitamins or battle items like X-Attack must not be used.
  • The battle style must be set, meaning you are not warned of an enemy trainer's Pokemon after the previous one faints. (You can, however, still switch out your Pokemon on the next turn)
  • In battle, you can only use a maximum of 3 items. Berries do not count.
  • If all your Pokemon in your party die, you lose and must reset your save to play again.

The first game I am choosing to play for this series is.....


I understand that this was a remake of the original Pokemon Red, but it is still considered to be a Gen 1 Pokemon game! I personally like it more than Lets Go!Pikachu/Eevee, even though I own the Lets Go!Eevee game. 

To begin this journey, I selected my character which was obviously the boy aptly named RED. My rival's name is GREEN (how original). The first Pokemon I obtained was my starter, a Bulbasaur named SAUR. (This is a reference to the Pokemon Special manga). 

I almost lost against GREEN in our first battle, but I healed up with a potion and beat him. I used route 1 to battle some Pokemon to level up SAUR. (You don't get pokeballs until after route 1, meaning that I couldn't catch Pokemon but I could come back to catch some once I had more Pokemon).

new entry will be added tommorow btw :D

WIP, ofc.


4 Kudos


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kazio kaos

kazio kaos's profile picture

YEEES nuzlockes seem so fun to play !! cant wait to see more , bulba is always the correct option . maybe ill do something similar in the future :D

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spencer's profile picture

OOOOO SO COOL OMG!!! this is making me want to do something similar (is that cool?)

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YEAH OFC ITS COOL!! i have a bunch of patches emulations and emulators available for download if u want to play some games! also we could totes do a friendlocke! dm me!

by vee; ; Report


SilverForgot's profile picture

love this, im not very good at writing about my feelings but i love this so far

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by vee; ; Report