Sunny has seen A LOT of toxic ppl on thiz platform zo he wanted to talk abt it! Zo for example when he waz looking through blogz he ztumblrd acrozz a few DNI onez! Nth wrong right? Well when Sunny looked at them the bulk of them had zilly (and not in a good way) thingz in them like "They/ them dni" "ppl who belive slurs dni" "Neoprn users dni" "ppl who put pns in bio dni" and more- Now to anyone with a zingle braincell thiz iz obviozly tranzphobic and juzt wrong- The worzt part tho waz zeeing how many people agreed! One comment i zaw zaid that they needed tranz ppl off the platform to make it more like early 2000 which iz idiotic- People zhould be allowed to be comfy with their identity rather than ridiculed and made fun of for it. Tranzphobia iz ztill vry much a thing and itz zhowing itzzelf more and more.. A zet of pnz zhould not be in a DNI a mental illnezz like autizm zhould not be in a DNI itz idiotic. We zhouldentt zay zlurz bc "Welcome to the internet" the internet iz a happy place letz not ruin that..
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Oh god Sunny, that's awful, i hate that people like that exist and i'm sad to know that people like that exist even on this site. Please don't give them attention and report and block them, they're clearly just idiots.
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