Gameathlon, February 2023!

Last Saturday I went to Gameathlon with my boyfriend. It was an ok experience, tbh making an hour and a half trip before my period wasn't something my body appreciated xD. I tend to feel a bit embarassed and self conscious going to cons: there's so many people looking so much cooler than me, and I'm afraid I bother people by asking to take a picture together. I also tend to feel like I'm embarassing my boyfriend with my silly, childish excitement. He always reassures me this isn't the case and he loves my excitement, but I still feel that way. Aside of my internal factors, it's ridiculously loud in there and my ears bleed xD. Other than all that, I was happy to be there to support some of my favourite artists and see all the cool stuff. Let me show you some pictures!

A pic from when I was on my way to Gameathlon. This was my look for the day! It is inspired by Aradia Megido from Homestuck! I literally had this hoodie since middle school, I payed to get it printed as well as a shirt with Dave Strider's discs which I sadly no longer have. The hoodie is starting to be uncomfy around my neck so I'm thinking of modifying in the future (very carefully because if I ruin it I'll die lmao). Making my buns was an experience. Like, where do you guys get all that hair to make space buns give me a break xDDDDDDDDD.

We had to switch over trolleys so we stopped at a station that had a beach nearby. I sprinted there to see it, since it was such a beautiful and warm day. I really missed the beach, putting my hand on the rocks and water gave me dopamine for years. Planning to go to the beach very soon.

Gameathlon on the inside! Extremely loud music and epilepsy galore but I loved the lights and smoke effects xD.

The artists alley was PACKED! Could barely move around, but when you have sm0l privilege you can slide between people.

The art sold there had me shook this year: I saw prints with all sorts of characters fucking eachother, as well as stickers of dicks with the tips in pride flag colours xDDDD. Last thing I expected to see but I appreciate the grind.

This is the only cosplayer I felt brave enough to take a pic with, because she was special to me! She was cosplaying Calne Ca Miku, a version of Hatsune Miku appearing in the horror song "Bacterial Contamination" by Kanimiso-P. She looked so cool and this song and Miku variant are very close to my heart. You slayed girlie!

There were a lot of cool things, including arcades and old consoles you could play with. I played street fighter with a friend I luckily found there at random, she literally destroyed my ass xD. They had free candies and some of those instant pasta pots you put water in. Tbh it was a vibe to eat the warm mac n' cheese while roaming around and checking out all the displays. While I was on that floor I was proposed to by a very accurate looking Dr. Eggman and I must've actually blushed xD. It was also the first time I've ever seen furries in a Greek convention and i had to approach them. Those girls made the suits themselves and when I asked if I could feel the fur I got a hug! Honestly if you ever see a furry ask them for a hug, it was the softest thing ever!!!

Also honorable mention to the dude wearing a Michael Myers cosplay who scared the shit out of me at the artists alley, then found me again just to give me another heart attack xDDDDD. Didn't break character for a second.

My boyfriend, you can find him as @oracksighs on Instagram. He spent a lot of time at the @greekotakuradio booth, since he has his own radio segment talking about all sorts of anime and manga stuff! I was a little bit lonely since we didn't spend most of the time there together, but it was also good for me to get out of my comfort zone and walk around by myself. He made sure to visit me during breaks!

Now, I didn't buy a lot of things this time around. I obviously had to support my girl @onita.k_ ! She makes beautiful art and I'd love to frame this print. 

Couldn't possibly resist the Totoro pin, it was by @puc_art !

It would be a sin to leave without a Pochita item, this keychain is handmade by @nekogamers_ !

Sadly I don't know where my bf got this soot sprite from, but he gifted it to me! He also gifted me a pair of black kitty earrings when he went back on the second day, he's so sweet!

By far though, my favourite thing is this polaroid pic i got of me and my friend @koyowl while we were playing. This kind man there who was probably promoting the cameras had an instax one and decided to give away some polaroids. I sticked it onto somewhere back there to always see it! I'm so fond of pictures like that, I need a camera like that too. I also encourage you to go check my friend's art on instagram, she's very cool!

And that concludes my photo dump, omg it's late and I have therapy tomorrow so I really need to go to bed, thank you all for reading! I think we can all benefit from a con every once in a while, but the mini art and thrifting pop up bazaars around Athens will forever have my heart. Keep an eye out for cool experiences, even if it can be a little scary!

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♥ Luna ♥

♥ Luna ♥'s profile picture

Awesome looks like a good time ^.^

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envy's profile picture

gosh If I had some money I'd love to go to a convention right about now! that is a v cool polaroid of you!

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Thank you! I went there with about 20 bucks on me xD

by 💖Rammy_Chan💖; ; Report