I saw a lot of people do this and I thought it would be a silly little way to let y'all get to know me more! Also I just really like filling out surveys and answering questions lmao. Feel free to copy this if you wanna fill it out too :3! Btw I added some stuff to make this to my liking
★Name: Viva★
☆Nickname: I go by Ena too☆
★Age: 19★
☆Pronouns: She/It☆
★Birthday: January 24, 2004★
☆Siblings: Two younger brothers☆
★Sexuality: Arospec lesbian★
☆Job: College student☆
★Hair Color: Dark brown. So dark some people think it's black★
☆Eye Color: Brown☆
★Height: 5'5" :/★
☆Ethnicity: American, Polish, and Hungarian☆
★Look Like A Celeb: None that I know of, but I have been told by many people that I look like a hamster and I love rodents so I take that as a compliment★
☆Have Bangs: No but omg they're so cute☆
★Have Braces: Got them off years ago :P★
☆Wear Glasses: Yeah☆
★Wear Contacts: No they're so scary★
☆Piercings: No :( I want my ears pierced but I'm kinda embarrassed to get them pierced now at 19☆
★Tattoos: No but I'm planning on getting some especially on my arms★
★Color: Brown idc it's so cute★
☆Movie: I gotta watch more movies bro I can never find the right time to sit and watch movies. I love psychological horror, surreal, and animated movies though!☆
★TV Show: I have so many shows I wanna watch and have yet to do it. I can never watch more than like 3 episodes at a time ;')★
☆Animal: COWS I love cows they're so cute they're gentle giants. I also love guinea pigs and foxes they're so silly☆
★Drink: Raspberry iced tea. Safe drink. Autism moment★
★Alcoholic Drink: I don't really drink since I'm under 21 but I like vodka. It's really the only alcohol I don't think tastes like ass★
☆Day of the Week: Saturday☆
☆Song: Love, Me Normally by Will Wood☆
☆Song: Love, Me Normally by Will Wood☆
★Sport: I don't really care for sports. Tennis is kinda fun though★
☆Restaurant: I actually never thought about that☆
★Teacher: My English teacher in my senior year of high school. Shoutout to Frank, you were one of the few teachers that viewed me as a person★
☆Subject: Science... Not including physics. More like midsics OHHHHHHH☆
★Holiday: Tie between Christmas and Halloween★
☆Book: I'm so illiterate bro I rarely read books. I really love classic and gothic fiction though. Modern books confuse my tiny pea brain☆
★Magazine: Last time I read a magazine was in like 2014 and I'd just buy them for the personality quizzes★
☆Flower: Hyacinths☆
★Memory: My memory is so shitass. All my memories with my grandparents are memories I cherish the most. It's hard to pick just one favorite★
★Person You Hugged: My dad? I think★
☆Thing You Said: "I would rather sit butt ass naked on a hot grill than work in fast food"☆
★Thing You Ate: A sammich★
☆You Texted: My friend Wifi☆
★You Called: My dad to tell him that my post-op with my orthopedist went great and I can start learning to walk again :D★
☆Called You: My mom a few weeks ago☆
★Person You Saw: My brother. Fucker★
☆You Had A Long Conversation With: Also my friend Wifi☆
★Summer or Winter: WINTER. I hate the heat. I hate the bright sun. I hate the mosquitoes★
☆Cats or Dogs: Dogs, by a bit. I've had dogs my whole life☆
★Pepsi or Coke: Pepsi idc Coke overrated★
☆Cell phone or iPod: Phone☆
★Ocean or Pool: Pool. Smells yummy★
☆Black or White: Black☆
★Chocolate or Vanilla: Vanilla I don't care for chocolate★
☆Flowers or Candy: Flowers I don't care for candy either☆
★Rock or Rap: ROCK I've been listening to all kinds of rock my whole life★
☆TV or Movie: Movie. I love analyzing movies too. I do it for fun and not in a pretentious film buff way☆
★AIM or MySpace: MySpace★
☆Stars or Hearts: STARS I LOVE STARS they're my favorite shape ever I love drawing stars on everything. Stars also have 5 points and 5 is my favorite number☆
★Bracelets or Necklaces: Bracelets they make a funny noise★
☆Gold or Silver: Gold☆
★Kisses or Hugs: Hugs★
☆Pen or Pencil: Pencil. My hands are too shaky to write in pen and not make mistakes☆
★Smoked: No. Never.★
☆Stayed Home From School: I'm taking online college rn so I'm always home☆
★Been to the Mall: NO :(★
☆Bought a Book: No I'm stupie☆
★Been to a Show/Concert: No I've actually never been to one </3★
☆Yelled at Someone: Yeah. Oldest sibling moment☆
★Got Into a Fight/Argument: Not that I know of★
☆Cried to a Friend: Nope☆
★Told the Truth: A little bit too much, yeah lmao★
★TV: Yeah it was a gift from my uncle. Forgot which one though★
☆Your Own Phone: Yeah I always have it on me☆
★Your Own Phone Line: No?★
☆VCR: No :(☆
★DVD Player: No but my brother has one★
☆Radio: No :(((☆
★Computer: Yeah I'm on my puter rn and it's hanging on by a thread★
☆Posters: Not at the moment and I'm so bummed☆
★Of What?: N/A★
☆Pictures: No☆
★Of Who?: N/A★
★Taken or Single: Single★
☆Got a Crush: On multiple fictional characters. They're my babygirls. They're all stupid men with fat tits MEOW☆
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