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Category: Writing and Poetry

my stinky lore!!!

this is the lore about my stinky OCs in the last post >< if u r confused i would suggest looking at that!!! ALSO A TW/// HEAVY IMPLIED STALKING AND OBSESSION!! IF U R UNCOMFY WITH THAT PLS AVOID!! if there are any other things that i didn't mention plz tell me!!!

so as i stated before- marco works at a coffee shop. they have been working at the coffee shop for long enough that they its become their stable job. and they just live normally that, she had his group of friends and are conent with that. they dont really need much else other than the stable life they have going for them. one day, a new customer walks into the coffee shop. they did not think much about it, new customers come in all the time. (much like me) marco is the type of person to not really feel the need to start conversation with people they dont really know. but this person was just so insistent on having a conversation, that marco actually engaged. it wasn't until the other person had made a comment of something that his sister made. this thing was the last thing her sister gave him before he moved for college so it was very sentimental for him. this sparks the small interest for the other person, a want to befriend them.
one thing that i want to add is that the other person (Zo lmao) it meant to bring out the worst in marco. like, when zo in not near by, he simply just is, but when zo comes around, there is something about her that just... clicks ig? i dont really know how else to explain it. but zo doesnt know this. neither does marco in the beginning. it isnt until marco and zo become "friends" (zo sees it as friends, marco on the other hand sees it as a progression in a potential relationship [she thinks like this even after finding out about so having a partner]) that marco is like "oh yeah... they make me a terrible person.... but they are so intreging......" kinda way? (basically marco gets addicted to the unhealthy mannerisms they adopt when she is around Zo.)

and when marco does find out about zo and xia, marco has to act civil around xia, in fear that they tell zo about their rudeness, or their weird behavior and it causes the "friendship" to end. also should add that zo is looking for work, and wants to work at the coffee shop (which is a small reason as to why they befriended marco, so that he can tell them about the work enviroment) and in that, zo finds out about an event (its not really a competition, so idk what to call it)  that the owner of the cafe is doing for graphic desingers to do, and they would get paid X amount for doing it. so zo tells their partner xia and tries to convice them to do this one side project

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