dave's profile picture

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Category: Life

💿 first post? vent migrator 💿

hey yall. not sure how were going about this site just yet so bear with us for the time being. and while we learn how profiles and things work

but im just gonna get this shit started off by saying shout out to all my old mutuals from the vent migration and i hope maybe ill get better at posting this go around.

we were on vent from the beginning back in like what. 2014? shit memory on this thing but. man. been a long time of on and off posting and lots of times from different accounts as we figured out system things. were really going to miss it and we hate change so this is going to be tough. but i hope we can find a new space here. sad that were going to lose all our posts though. our memory is shit and going back on stuff helps us remember but itll be okay.

 but i hope this place is a new start and i can let everyone be known and not be such a damn coward about it i guess. so new mutuals buckle in for the ride our brain is a mess but you get multiple friends per gallon in this thing.

ill have this profile set up after midterms and shit were so damn busy. but uh enjoy your stay and shit. i dont bite. collective probably coming soon (and maybe we will get our system carrd up and running if we can get people to finish their shit)

- dave 💿

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ectoBiologist's profile picture

there's some way you can get your posts saved on vent! here it is: https://forms.gle/rTaoV6gQtFG7WtSZ9 (though i'm personally skeptical of how well this'll work, and tbh i just ended up screenshotting all of my posts to save them lmao)

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thank you so much for this we are going to try this because we do not have the time or energy to screencap everything

by dave; ; Report


mitty's profile picture

Welcome to this hellsite!

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thank you! im sure itll be an experience.

by dave; ; Report