"evil dead rise" movie shenanigans

okokok so as some people know, the new "evil dead rise" movie will be out on april 21st. as the month of feb is ending quickly, we still have 2 more months until this movie comes out and i'm superrrrr excited to see it. as i wonder more abt this movie, there is still one question that i keep asking to myself when i have watched all the trailers for the movie and have seen their promo pics that they have been posting on the "evil dead rise" acc on instagram, why is the mother the antagonist?? i wonder why the mother is the antagonist of the movie, why wasn't it one of the children or the other sister that could've been possessed?? either way, i'm sure that the movie will be great and will be as good as the other evil dead movies even without bruce :D (i'm writing this while in class so i gtg lol)

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