SDesires's profile picture

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Category: Web, HTML, Tech

Profile Customization Step 1. The Main Background

I recently saw a forum post where people were having issues with the customizing of their profiles, and CSS can be really confusing for people that don't do it a lot, have never done it, or are on itty bitty phone screens. So I posted this as a response and thought that it might help others as well. I hope that it does!


Okay, I tried to simplify how to change your main background here. If this doesn't work for you, please copy the code that you used and show me and I will try to help you fix it, or I'm sure that another helpful person will try to help as well. We all deserve nice profiles don't we? "Emoticon_smile" Icon

I'm going to use my profile background as an example so you can see how it's supposed to look. 
Go to the site that Katie suggested:

Now choose a code snippet to copy:


body {
     background-image: url("") !important;
     background-color: black !important;
     background-attachment: fixed !important;
     margin: 0;
     padding: 0;

(Make sure that you are copying the "style" tags as well or it won't work!)


body {
     background-color: black !important;

Now, in the top white box, where it says, "Put anything (HTML, CSS) in the textarea below and it will get put into the about section", paste the code that you copied. 

If you chose the picture as a background code and you see the sparkly star background that's the same one as the one on my profile then yay! Now you can change it to the image that you want as your background. All you have to do is copy the URL or address of the picture that you want as your main background and replace this part: with it. Make sure that there are quotation marks on either end of the URL.  If the picture that you chose shows up as the background on the test page, you did it! Now copy the entire code, style tags and all, and then go to your SpaceHey profile.
Click on where it says, "Edit Your Profile". In the box labeled, "About Me", paste your code. Then save it. If all goes according to plan, you now have a picture background! "Emoticon_smile" Icon

If you chose a color as a background code and you see a black background on the test page then yay! Now you can change it to the color that you want as your background. Now the main colors are easy, you can just name them and bam! There they are, but there are so many variations of colors out there, and everyone likes a particular one. So I will direct you to a page with Hex numbers. These are usually a # sign and some letters and numbers. So here is a HTMLColor Code page where you can pick any color that you fancy. When you find one that you like, copy it'sHex code, for example: #9D12E2 (which is a random purple that I selected from the color picker at the top of the page) and then you are going to replace the word, "black" in the code with that number so that it looks like this:  background-color: #9D12E2 !important; 
(but with the number you chose instead) If the background changed to the color that you picked on the test page then you did it! (If not, make sure that you added the # symbol in front of the Hex code.) Now copy the entire code, style tags and all, and then go to your SpaceHey profile. Click on where it says, "Edit Your Profile". In the box labeled, "About Me", paste your code. Then save it. If all goes according to plan, you now have a colored background! "Emoticon_smile" Icon

Now remember, this ONLY applies to the MAIN background. You will still have the white box  in the middle, so don't freak out. I hope that this helps solve some of the frustrations some are you are having. "Emoticon_smile" Icon
And if your code is NOT working, copy it and let someone know that you think can help you, either myself or Miss Katie or post it on your blog and ask your friends for help. I have found that it's usually the simplest things that trip up code. 

Good luck!! "Emoticon_smile" Icon


Update 01/17/21: adding images to show where to add your code for your profile.

Go to your Profile like so: 

Top of my profile

Click on where it says, "Edit Your Profile". (on the right hand side).
That should bring you to this page:

About me section

That white box that you see all the writing in it is where you would add your code for your profile. Make sure to hit the "Save All" button at the top when you are done or else you have to do it over again!

I hope that this helps those that are confused :)

25 Kudos


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Mainu's profile picture


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Mainu's profile picture


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𓆟's profile picture

It doesn't work for me help :(

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catfart96's profile picture

what abt the front profiel?? like the white box

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Evanelbrocoli's profile picture


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breadboi127's profile picture

is there a way to move the image/my profile? my profile is blocking the image (its all in the center)

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Kat Brennan

Kat Brennan 's profile picture

Thank you for the tips. I'm still confused where to copy and paste the background?

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I added pictures to show exactly where you add your code. I hope that they help! Let me know if you are still confused in any way :)

by SDesires; ; Report