name:: Lilith.
nickname:: Mostly Izzy.
how old are you:: Seventeen.
zodiac sign:: Year of the dog.
current location:: School.
eye color:: Green.
hair color:: Brown.
hair type:: Long, wavy, silk-textured.
height:: Six foot even.
your heritage:: Mostly germanic, Irish, and Cherokee.
what's your middle name:: Lee.
shoe's you wore today:: Sneakers.
your weakness:: Guys with muscles...
your fear:: Spiders.
have you ever ridden a mechanical bull:: Yes.
do you want to:: Never again...
goal you would like to achieve this year:: Look better than I do now.
first thought when you wake up:: "Why do I wake up so early?"
best physical feature:: [DATA EXPUNGED].
who is your bestest friend:: I don't really do that.
when is your bedtime:: I try to be in bed by nine, but I don't really have a "bed time".
your most cherished memory:: Seeing a marching band with my father. ;3
pepsi or coke:: Pepsi.
McDonalds or Burger King:: Subway.
single or group dates:: Single dates.
what is the last song you sang:: Community Gardens.
does playing the guitar make a girl/guy more attractive:: Yes.
what is your biggest pet peeve:: When people confuse to, too, and two.
do you drink:: Yes.
ever been drunk:: Yes.
do you smoke:: Yes.
do you "SMOKE":: Yup.
do you sing:: Yes, quite a lot.
what color underwear do you have on:: I'm not answering that.
do you want to go to college:: No, I want to get my esthetician's license.
have you ever been in love:: Yeah.
do you want to get married:: I don't know yet.
do you believe in yourself:: In certain contexts.
do you believe in others:: In certain contexts, again...
do you like thunderstorms:: Quite a bit.
do you play an instrument:: I'm learning the Ocarina and Keyboard.
what do you want to be when you grow up:: Freer.
what country would you like to visit:: Canada seems nice.
how many CD's do you own:: Zero.
how many DVD's do you own:: Zero.
how many tattoo's do you have:: None, yet.
how many piercings do yo have:: None, yet...
how many things in the past do you regeret:: Who keeps count of that?
shoes:: Shoes are shoes.
radio station:: Who listens to radio anymore?
drink:: Green tea.
car:: Anything electric.
place:: In front of my mirror, I guess.
song:: Chemical Overreaction / Compound Fracture.
movie:: 12 Angry Men (1957).
moment:: What?
color:: Fuchsia
meal:: Tamago Kake Gohan.
favorite eye color:: Bright green.
favorite hair color:: Black or Brown.
short or long hair:: Long.
height:: Either really tall or really short.
body type:: Slender or toned builds.
does ethnicity matter:: No.
piercings:: Hot...
tattoos:: Really hot...
do you think you are attractive:: Yes.
are you attracted to someone who does not know it:: Probably.
would you like to be someones fantasy:: Very much so, yes.
hunter or hunted:: Hunted.
do you kiss with your eyes closed or open:: Closed, because I'm not insane...
a little or a lot of tongue:: I'm not answering that.
older or younger:: Or that.
lights on/lights off or candle light:: ...Candle light.
do you like to cuddle after:: OR THAT.
do you like to cuddle in general:: Yes!
what is todays date:: 24th.
what time is it:: A little past noon.
who are you thinking of:: How weird those previous questions were.
what are you listening to:: Nothing, currently.
do you love someone:: Yes.
do you know where your mechanical bull is:: Is this a reference to something??
does someone love you:: I hope so.
is it raining:: No, unfortunately.
how many myspace friends do you have:: A little late for that, lol.
are you happy:: Eh.
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